PowerCLI – Update VCSA

This post will be about how to update the vCenter Server Appliance through the rest API using the PowerCLI. First we need check online or the CD for the new update. So let’s take a look at the API again: https://vmware.github.io/vsphere-automation-sdk-rest/vsphere/index.html The general purpose of my posts is more to show you how to doContinue reading “PowerCLI – Update VCSA”

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PowerCLI – Reboot VCSA through appliance rest API.

This one might be an easy one. When you are getting started with learning something maybe an easy one is the best way to start. So lets look at the API. https://vmware.github.io/vsphere-automation-sdk-rest/vsphere/index.html I am not sure how /rest/appliance/shutdown translates into com.vmware.appliance.shutdown but it does. Maybe it is just something you have to remember or lookupContinue reading “PowerCLI – Reboot VCSA through appliance rest API.”

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PowerCLI – Configure VCSA update policy

It took me a little while to figure this one out, since I am new to this rest API thing and I find the old API documentation easier. On VMware’s homepage I was not able to find the API for vSphere 6.7, only 6.5. https://code.vmware.com/apis/60/vcenter-server-appliance-management However you can access the API explorer directly on theContinue reading “PowerCLI – Configure VCSA update policy”

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